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Steam turbine series

    The steam turbines produced by QNP include two types of working principles: impulse type and reaction type. QNP products cover impulse steam turbines of all steam parameters, from low pressure to supercritical, and the power ranges from 0.5 MW to 400MW.

        The steam turbines produced by QNP include two types of working principles: impulse type and reaction type. QNP products cover impulse steam turbines of all steam parameters, from low pressure to supercritical, and the power ranges from 0.5 MW to 400MW. They are divided into condensing steam turbine, extraction condensing steam turbine, back pressure steam turbine and extraction back pressure steam turbine. In terms of thermal characteristics, QNP has developed a variety of products such as air cooling, steam extraction heating and circulating water heating. Reaction steam turbines are high-pressure and ultra-high-pressure reactive models imported from abroad, which is at the highest design level in the world. These include high-efficiency units of high-speed and conventional-speed, with power ranging from 3MW to 300MW.


Steam turbine series