The company has a strong technical team to carry out research and development of steam turbines, generators and compressors

    QNP steam turbine uses optimized high-efficiency blade profile, meridian plane profile and clearance of each stage to improve the steam path structure, and uses optimized seal and high speed to improve the energy conversion rate. Advanced DEH system, TSI system and ETS system are used to monitor and protect the operation process.

    QNP generator optimizes electromagnetic field, air path and rotor structure, which makes the generator more efficient, simple to maintain and longer in service life.

The product selection and technical scheme calculation of QNP compressor can be carried out according to customer's needs, and the best solution is provided to customers. Compared with other similar products, the efficiency is improved by 5%, and the benefits are maximized for users.

    QNP products adopt modularized design, which has the advantages of high efficiency, small dimension and light weight.

    QNP has a skilled, experienced and excellent after-sales service team, which can quickly respond to customer needs and provide users with fast and high-quality services at any time. Follow-up service is be carried out to the whole process of installation and commissioning for all projects to improve customer satisfaction. QNP has offices all over the world to quickly contact and serve customers.